Candidate Look Book

Have questions? Check out the FAQ
Danielle N.
Babson College
Dee V.
Johns Hopkins University
Delyse H.
Boston College
Drew S.
Penn State University
Ed H.
New York University
Eli K.
Indiana University
Elizabeth B.
Harvard University
Elizabeth I
Data Science
UC Berkeley
Ellie K.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
University of California, San Diego
Elyse S.
Product Management
University of Pennsylvania
Emmett P.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
Cornell University
Ethan M.
Software Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Faris B.
Product Management
Cornell University
Felix L.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Francis Z.
Columbia University
Gavin P.
University of California, Santa Barbara
Gayatri S.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
University of Rochester
Gizem B.
Fordham University
Grace J.
Software Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gracie G.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
University of Rochester
Graziella B.
Hofstra University
Hanna B.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
University of Washington
Harris T.
Software Engineering
Product Management
UC Berkeley
Heidi T.
UX/UI Product Design and Research
University of California, Davis
Hillary D.
Software Engineering
No Results

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What is PathMatch?

53% of college grads end up unemployed after graduation because it’s challenging for students and employers to connect. At PathMatch, we're changing this. Our Career Navigation App helps students select their career path and desired places to work. From there, our software helps students learn skills they don't teach in school.

We’re helping students build skills you need and making it easier for them to gain experience by bringing them directly to you. Better candidates, better matches, faster hiring.

How does PathMatch work?

PathMatch makes hiring interns easy. Browse the Lookbook and easily schedule interviews with students directly from their PathMatch profile. Once the interview is confirmed by the student, you'll receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link. 

One of our PathMatch team members will follow up after the interview(s) and if you're ready to move forward, help negotiate the hourly bill rate. 

PathMatch handles billing and payments so you don’t have to. Students keep track of their hours through our timesheet system. We send the timesheets to you for approval, pay the interns accordingly, and then bill on a bi-monthly basis.

How much does it cost to hire an intern?

Companies pay anywhere from $18-$45/hour based on the level of seniority of the role and the experience-level of the intern. We can work with most budgets to align the right candidates to your monthly budget.

Can I hire a candidate part-time?

Yes, candidates on PathMatch are open to part-time and full-time work.

What if I want to hire a full-time graduate?

We can help. Contact us to learn more.

I see students I’d like to interview. How do I proceed?

Schedule interviews with candidates from their PathMatch profile. Our software reaches out to the candidate. Once confirmed, you’ll receive a calendar invite with a Zoom link.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Get in touch.