
This company is a trader of cloud-based communications and solutions for businesses. In other words, this company provides communication services for companies to collaborate and discuss, similar to Zoom.



Looks For

RingCentral is looking to hire individuals who will thrive within a collaborative and innovative work environment. They want candidates who can work well on a team and can utilize their creativity to think of new ideas. RingCentral has a dynamic company culture; therefore, they are looking for people who are driven, reliable, trustworthy, and communicative.

History of


RingCentral is a company that provides a single, intuitive platform for voice meetings, team messaging and collaboration, and contact center, all of which is easy to use and can be managed by an IT team. In 2019 and 2020, RingCentral was named the Best Place to Work For LGBTQ+ Equality by the 100% Corporate Equality Index. Employees get free lunch and breakfast, and according to Ritu Mukherjee, the company cafeteria is one of the best in Silicon Valley.


Internship Programs

Ringtern Internship Program

The Ringtern program is a ten-week internship program that is offered during the summer in participating offices: including San Francisco, Denver, Charlotte, and Fort Lauderdale. The program allows interns to focus on a specific industry; they then get to learn about the tech industry by working on dynamic projects. Additionally, the Ringtern program helps students develop their skills by providing them with a mentor and facilitating training and networking opportunities.

What it's like to Work at


Quick Facts

Entry-level careers:
Business Development
Sales / Account Management
Office Locations
San Francisco, CA
Charlotte, NC
Denver, CO

Internship Info

Number of interns (2022)
Preferred education level
  • Casual Dress/Atmosphere
  • Free Drinks/Coke/Juice/Water


Interview Process

1. Video or Phone Interview with a Recruiter

In this initial interview with a recruiter where they will ask you about your background, experience and RingCentral.

2. In-person Interview with 3 Interviewers

In this in-person interview, you will meet with 3 different interviewers, one of whom is a Hiring Manager.