How to Get a Job as a Personal Assistant: 5 Skills You Need

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At some point in our lives, we've all needed a little extra help to keep things organized and on track. That's where personal assistants come in. Personal assistants are professionals who provide administrative support to individuals or organizations, helping them stay on top of their schedules, appointments, and daily activities. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of executive secretaries and administrative assistants, which includes personal assistants, is projected to have around 354,000 openings each year, which is greater than the average for all occupations.

Being a personal assistant is a challenging and rewarding career path that requires a unique set of skills to thrive in. As a personal assistant, you will be required to provide administrative support, manage household tasks, and serve as a liaison between your employer and other parties. Therefore, it's crucial to possess the right skills to excel in this role. 

Let’s discuss some key skills that are essential for anyone looking to get a job as a personal assistant. Whether you're new to the field or have some experience, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to help you take your career to the next level. 

Email Management 

Personal assistants are responsible for managing their employer's schedule, which often involves using calendar software to manage your employer's email inbox effectively, including prioritizing emails, responding to messages, and scheduling appointments or meetings. Productivity tools such as Trello, Asana, or Todoist are key to managing your email and calendar more efficiently. 

Sign up for a free account and explore the features and functionality of the tool. Most productivity tools have tutorial videos that walk you through the various features and capabilities of the tool. Watch these videos to gain a better understanding of how the tool works. Afterwards, try using different features and templates of the tool to see how they can help you specifically manage tasks and projects more efficiently. 

Problem Solving Skills 

Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively and efficiently. These skills are crucial in many industries and job roles, including personal assistants, as they enable individuals to overcome obstacles and find solutions to complex issues. Some examples of problem solving skills include communication, time management, persistence, and critical thinking. If you think your skills are lacking in any of these categories, there are multiple online courses from prestigious universities to help you build a strong foundation.


Discretion is the ability to make decisions or judgments based on one's own judgment and understanding of a situation, while taking into account various factors such as ethics, legality, and appropriateness. In a personal assistant role, discretion may be needed when handling confidential information, making decisions on behalf of the employer, and managing challenging situations.

Learning discretion can be challenging, as it involves developing your judgment and decision-making skills, as well as understanding ethical and legal considerations. However, there are a few ways to start building your discretion skills. If you have the opportunity to work with experienced professionals in your field, take advantage of their knowledge and ask for feedback on your decisions. Many organizations, such as the Ethics and Compliance Initiative, also offer workshops or training sessions on ethical decision-making, which can help you understand different perspectives and develop your own ethical framework.

Active Listening 

Active listening is an essential skill for personal assistants to develop, as it allows them to better understand their employer's needs and effectively communicate with others. Like any skill, active listening takes practice to master, however there are a few ways to learn how to communicate and listen effectively. Although there are multiple online courses to help you learn, you can also learn independently through TED Talks. The key is to help you identify personal areas for improvement and continue to develop your skills.

Data Privacy Knowledge 

As a personal assistant, you may have access to sensitive information about your employer, such as financial records, legal documents, or personal correspondence. It's essential to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of this information to protect your employer's interests and maintain their trust. Additionally, data breaches and privacy violations can have severe consequences for both individuals and organizations.

By keeping up-to-date with data privacy regulations and implementing appropriate security measures, such as strong passwords and two-factor authentication, you can help ensure that your employer's information remains secure and protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. Obtaining industry certification such as the Certified Information Privacy Professional certificate can also help demonstrate your expertise in data privacy and cybersecurity. However, if you want free resources, consider joining professional organizations such as the International Association of Privacy Professionals, which can provide access to resources that can help you stay updated on the latest developments in data privacy. 

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